Your timeline shows an overview of several completed tracklogs in the same layout as in the 'Activity Overview'. Visitors to your profile will see here the completed tracklogs that you have put on public. For more information on what you can do with completed tracklogs, see the Manual 'Activities'.

You can access the timeline by first clicking on 'Profile' and then on 'Timeline'. On this page you have the following options:

A. The "Time bar". 

  1. Here you can go to the previous (left arrow) and next (right arrow) month;
  2. The icons below the day indicate that a tracklog has been completed on that day.
    - Click on the icon below the date for the completed tracklog; then in section B only the corresponding tracklog will be shown. What you can do with 'completed tracklogs' can be found in the Manual 'Activities'.

B.  Tracklogs with more information with the same layout as 'Activity Overview'.